Tuesday, May 6, 2008

This is one of my most recent jobs... "Mama I Wanna Sing!!!!" with the Amas Musical Theatre here in NYC!!!! I am so happy to be apart of the Amas Family...

I finally go the chance to "Shimmy Shake It On a Saturday Night" with the cast of Hairspray.... We traveled all over the U.S.A. and Japan. One of the BEST times of my life!!!!!

This picture makes me think of how much DREAMING I do during the day.... I think of my accomplishments and where I want to be in ten years and I can't help but smile.... There's no place to go.... BUT UP!!!!

Working on Disney Cruise Line taught me how to be "ON" at all times.... even off stage. Also to keep my balance and a smile in the midst of a switch leap.... all while the ship is rocking to and fro...LOL!!! Good Times....

This picture makes me think of the DETERMINATION I need to go forth and conquer my dreams....

One day I stumbled into one of AC Ciulla's auditions and found myself springing through the ceilings... Well, I guess you could say I got out what I put into that audition because I was cast as Jeter in the show Footloose at the Carousel Dinner Theatre.

I admired Kate Moss so much then and when I saw her in a magazine with a hat like this, I had to shoot in one too... so there you go.... I love this picture!!!!